DIY: Photostrips


Photo strips are a simple and creative way to show your photos off.

I first pick out which photos you are going to use. You can try to make each strip have a “theme,” but I think that random ones would look just as good too.

In Photoshop, I made a “template” for the Photostrip.  I made the file 1.5 inches by 6 inches.  Because not every Instagram used the same filter (and subsequently frame), I also went ahead and made skinny strips of white for the borders.

Instant StripsInstant Strips 2

Can you see the white borders?  I created a square and duplicated the shape so it maintained the same width.
Once I had the template for the border, I just placed four of the photos onto the file.  I arranged each so it was under the border and in an interesting order.
Instant Strips 3
I repeated that process for the other strips and kept re-saving them.  I would just delete the pictures from before, add the new ones, and then click Save As.  Once all three strips were created, I made a new file.  This time, I made it 4.5 inches by 6.  I added all the other files into this one to I could be more efficient in the printing.  (You can definitely fit a lot more than three strips per page… Print landscape and add as many as you wish!)
Instant Strips 4IMG_2328
The next step is to cut them in to separate the strips.
And there you go!  Fun photostrips!
What can you do with the photostrips?
Give away at parties
Use as bookmarks
Hang on the wall
Write notes on the back
Make for presents
Article Sourced from

Creating a Retro Look – Photo Editing

Just a quick one from me today, i was scanning the internet and cam across the cool fun website.

it is a simple photo editor but they still of it made me like it even more!


you get different stages (just like really photo developing)

Garden Image


The developer stage


Adding effects


and the mounting stage.

Untitled-5Untitled-6 The gaden retro

this is great fun and only takes a few minutes, have a go and have fun! why do shoe us what you have done on our Flickr Page

Here is the link to the above website
